Serving Veterans and their companion animals in the Upper East Tennessee Region
Sponsor our Pet Medical Fund
We all know that unexpected pet medical expenses can be devastating - many times leading to the pet being taken to the local shelter when the owner can't afford to pay.
If you want to help our veterans with these expenses please consider:
a donation to our medical fund (send us an email telling us that you want your PayPal donation to go specifically to this fund)
contacting us to be put on our sponsor list so that we can contact you when we get a specific case of need.
Sponsor our Pet Pantry
Over 500 veterans in Carter County are below the poverty level. They may sometimes have to decide whether to feed themselves or feed their pet.
We deliver monthly to low income veterans and need your help ....
Please donate!
Also, if you are a Facebook user, you can organize a Facebook Fund raiser for us. Just go to our link at bottom right.
We have had several people who have so kindly done this for us instead of birthday gifts
Corporate Sponsorship
If your business would like to sponsor our local veterans and their pets then please contact us.
We will list all corporate sponsors on this website, to express our gratitude.
Veterans' Buddies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.